Transportation/Traffic Engineering


The Transportation/Traffic Engineering service goes hand-in-hand with Civil/Site Engineering and Highways/Streets services. It also goes beyond them. This service at Sands Engineering, LLC includes turning movement count, traffic counts, trip generation, stop sign or signal warrants, and lane addition evaluation. For residential or commercial developers, the lane addition evaluation is very important. It can determine if you need either a right or left turn lane from the main street into the development. The determination for this is conducted using ODOT standard design criteria. Another aspect of the Transportation/Traffic Engineering is site distance evaluation. The site distance is again calculated using ODOT criteria.

Working closely with many municipalities, townships, and county governments in the Southwest Ohio area, the staff of Sands Engineering, LLC has helped improve the safety and looks of intersections and roadways. Intersection projects have included the realignment and widening of the intersections, and signalizing previously unsignalized intersections to provide for future traffic demand and improve overall safety. Some street projects have also included creating a "Boulevard" effect. This means that the street design incorporated a center island, with landscaping and lighting to create a pleasing visual driving experience, as well as a safe driving experience.